Meals on Wheels Yuba & Sutter Counties (MOW YS) is a direct service of Agency on Aging Area 4 (AAA4).
The home-delivered meal program or as otherwise known as meals on wheels program provides meals to Program Participants who are homebound, and frail (physically and/or mentally), and are in need of meals either because they cannot prepare simple meals for themselves or they lack adequate support for meal preparation both paid (i.e., caregivers, grocery or restaurant delivery) and unpaid (i.e., family, friends or neighbors).
Our Meals on Wheels Yuba & Sutter Counties meals are delivered to Program Participant's doors. MOW YS meals are prepared fresh by local restaurants, and delivered cold. Meals are fully cooked and must be refrigerated until ready to be consumed. Our drivers are trained and will wait for someone to open the door during scheduled delivery timeframe to accept the meals. All meals are nutritionally balanced, pre-approved by a registered dietitian and designed for older adult's needs. MOW YS meals include vegetables, protein, grain or starch, fruit and dairy.
As a non-profit, we like to offer Program Participants the opportunity to voluntarily contribute to the services they receive. All contributions are confidential, and no one will be refused service for not contributing. Program Participants will receive monthly prepaid contribution envelopes to contribute. Voluntary contribution can also be made on our website - please visit the Client Contributions page.
We appreciate any and all contributions. All proceeds from client contributions go back to the programs. Thank you!